photoblogography - Just some stuff about photography

Excuses and advice

Lots and lots of highly convincing reasons why this site was in the doldrums.

in General Rants , Friday, August 01, 2008
Well, once again a huge gap has gone by since my last post. I've also made no updates to the site since, well, ages ago. There are a host of reasons for this. Some are technical. Due to a particular software vendor being more than willing to take my money, but less keen to supply a working product, or even to answer emails (I do apologise if Mark Liback is actually dead. It's the only legitimate excuse), my photo gallery upload and maintenance system is kaput. I'm also in something of a limbo regarding web hosting, as my current provider, the hype-heavy, customer service-free Active24 (NOT recommended) is invoicing me for a product they have no description for, and no published price list. And on top of all that, Moveable Type is frankly become a bloated mess of a product which is impossible to work with on anything less than a full time basis. On top of all that, the day job, which long ago went into "Death March" mode despite several clear warnings from several people, is sucking al life from me. So I don't suppose things are going to be fixed for a while. And you know what else ? I'm not actually terribly good at photography, beyond the basic mechanics - and even then, I'm borderline at best. Check out my Flickr stream, which is one thing I do update, for the sad evidence. So, if you are actually reading this, and you would like to see some great photography, as well as some extremely nice and well presented slideshow podcasts, I suggest you stop reading this and put your valuable time to better use at Bruce Percy's The Light and The Land website. Adieu.
Posted in General Rants on Friday, August 01, 2008 at 10:42 AM • PermalinkComments ()