photoblogography - Just some stuff about photography

The Canary Project

in Photography , Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I received a message yesterday about The Canary Project, a photo-based campaign trying to alert people to the realities of global warming. It seems a pretty admirable initiative to me. I strongly recommend you take a look. I'll let the message speak for itself:
The Canary Project is an effort by photographer Susannah Sayler and a team of researchers, writers and designers to gather images of global warming and display those images in ways that bring them to the attention of the widest possible audience. You can see examples of the work and learn more about them here: During the month of July, Canary Project images will be on the sides of buses in Denver as part of the Museum of Contemporary Art's "Creative Acts That Matter" exhibit. You can see more of the Project's work and some of the bus images here:
I hope the buses are using low emission power 😊 Anyway, please pass on the message. This is important stuff.
Posted in Photography on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 11:11 AM • PermalinkComments (7)