No turning back
in Olympus E-System , Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Well I've done it. Today I placed my order for an Olympus E-1 and various accessories. It should arrive in a few days. Since the E-1 is quite new, and it's all new to me, it seemed like a good idea to maintain a diary of my progress. At the same time it forced me to work out how to run two weblogs at the same time from MovableType (yes I know it's basic but I do have other things to do...)
So, what did I order ?
- The E-1 Body and 14-54mm lens kit
- the 50-200mm lens
- the extra battery & grip (yes I know it is really an alternative, not an extra)
- the 1.4x converter
- the grid line focussing screen
So, here we go.