self-portrait with photographer
Anyway. I really forced myself to try to do something with this camera thing on Sunday and I've finally got around to posting a result.
Late afternoon view over Lake Lugano from Bosco Luganese
Couldn't be bothered with a tripod and everything. Maybe things will improve... The real reason, I think, is first of all, there's only so long you can stay interested in anything in a complete vacuum, and, secondly, I simply don't have the time to immerse myself to take my photography to a level I would like to reach. Or possibly I'm just a pompous, name-droppng self-important - and talentless - tosser.
Who knows.
Nice to see that the online photo magazine, 28mm, has reappeared. No equipment, no endless reviews of stupid, endlessly identical little digital boxes, just excellent and well curated photography. Highly recommended.